A small group of cadets and staff from 331
(Chesterfield) Squadron Air Cadets recently took part in the 40th
Annual Endeavour Canoe Challenge over a 50 mile course on the Shropshire
The event took the form of a relay for pairs of
‘paddlers’ and started in the very early hours of Saturday morning at
7.20am. The team were given 11 hours to complete the course, and
actually managed to complete it in 10 hours, 40 minutes and 39 seconds.
The team also managed to raise £640.51 in sponsorship which goes towards
the work done by Endeavour
to help young people engage
with education, training or employment and to reach their full potential.
Cadet Robyn Rowland raised the highest individual sponsorship amounting
to £161.80.
The team finished 3rd in their class
with Sgt Joel Botham also being awarded the Dick Allcock Trophy for
Personal Achievement for his hard work during the day. All of the team
members received a certificate and medal for taking part. The final
results showed that the team managed to finish 7th in the
overall competition.
The team members were Sgt Joel Botham, Cpl
Chantelle Lockwood, Cpl Elliott Lynch, Cpl Andy Turner, Cpl Jonathan
Scholey, Cdt Matthew Salt and Cdt Robyn Rowland. Flying Officer Simon
Beal, and Civilian Instructors Damien Botham and Josh Botham also took
part in the event.
A group of 5 intrepid young people from 331
(Chesterfield) Air Cadets have braved the cold night time elements to
take part in Shadow 2006.
Shadow is the country’s biggest and best all-night
orienteering competition designed for young people and is organised by
Nottinghamshire County Council. It has been in operation for 30 years
with hundreds of young people taking part; many of them going back year
after year. It is mainly open to youth organisations in
Nottinghamshire, however they do allow 5 out-of-county teams to take
part and a team from Chesterfield Air Cadets managed to secure one of
those places this year
The team members were Sgt James Bown (team leader),
Sgt Vanessa Revis, Cpl Chantelle Lockwood, Cpl Steven Shaw and Cdt
Matthew Salt. Prior to the event taking place, the cadets had to
undertake training in First Aid and Navigation.
Then on a cold October evening, they headed off for
Sherwood Forest Visitors Centre to register and have their kit
rigorously checked to enable them to take part in the seven hour
exercise. The area used was divided into 3 sectors and each sector had
points where the teams were called upon to deal with incidents requiring
initiative, skill, team work and imagination. The team put in all their
efforts and managed to have a good time in the process. To the team’s
delight, they discovered a hearty breakfast awaited them after
completing the exercise!
A tense week later, the results arrived. The team
were overjoyed to discover that in their first year they managed to
achieve 7th place out of a total of 96 teams, with the 1st
place team only gaining 18 points extra! This means that we may
possibly be involved in Shadow next year as well!
Chesterfield Air Cadets were enthralled by a visit
from the Edale Mountain Rescue team recently.
They were initially shown a presentation about the
team’s origin and statistics on the types and numbers of casualties and
incidents it has to attend. The presentation also gave the cadets an
idea of the costs involved and the type of training each member is
required to undertake.
In the second part of the evening, the cadets were
split in to two groups with one group being shown the equipment the team
carry including their First Aid equipment. The other group were shown
the vehicle the team uses with all its additional equipment, the
specialist stretcher they carry and the ‘Vac bag’ which enables them to
keep a casualty completely still whilst being brought to safety.
All the members of the team are volunteers, all of
whom have their own full time jobs and take part in any training in
their own time. Also there is no Government funding for this so they
also have to arrange their own finance from fund raising.
Cadets from 331 (Chesterfield) Sqn were in the
limelight at the annual Bakewell Show when they helped with the
equestrian events in the show’s centre ring. Bakewell Show is one of
Derbyshire’s premier country events and attracts around 60,000 visitors
over the course of two days.
The cadets helped to set up the jumps for the Show
Jumping competitions and set out the course for the Double Harness
Scurry competition. During the events, they re-assembled jumps and
obstacles that were knocked down by the competitors.
OC 331 Sqn, Flt Lt Simon Donaldson said “This was a
very high profile event and the cadets worked really hard to help make
the show a success”
Air Cadets from 331 (Chesterfield) Squadron
have won a state of the art video camera following their entry in a
photographic competition. The Avesta Polarit competition is run annually
amongst Air Training Corps (ATC) units covered by the RAF’s Sheffield
Careers Information Office and takes a different form each year.
This year, the competing units were asked to put
together a portfolio of photo’s covering aspects of life in the ATC and
some of the humorous situations cadets find themselves in.
The prize was presented by the CO of the Careers
Office, Flight Lieutenant Mike Myers and accepted on behalf of the
squadron by the squadron’s PR Officer, Flying Officer Linda Donaldson.
Amongst other things, the camera will be used to record the squadrons
activities, help cadets with their public speaking skills and to hone
the squadron’s foot drill.
Air cadets in Chesterfield have embarked on a project
to fund, build, fly and race their own hovercraft. In order to see what
they were getting into they visited a Hovercraft Club of Great Britain
meeting in Hinckley, Leicestershire. During the course of the weekend
they were able to see a number of craft in action and to test their
Several Chesterfield cadets have recently been
awarded certificates after completing an 8 week Fencing course at the
English Institute of Sport in Sheffield.
Flying Officer Simon Beal, Sergeant Adam Grainger,
and Cadets Joe Allen, Adam Burden, Sophie Saunders, and Andy Turner all
passed Grades 1 and 2 on the Foil during the course.
Their instructor, Mr Pete Ellinger visited the
Squadron during a parade evening and presented their awards on final
parade. He congratulated the cadets on their achievements and said how
impressed he was with their teamwork and how quickly they had picked up
the basics of the sport.
CWO Heather Smith has been named as the Wing's top
female on the sports field. Heather has represented the squadron and the
Wing on many occasions and has also gone on to represent Central & East
Region and the ATC's national teams. Whilst netball remains her
favourite sport, Heather has also done well in Athletics and Hockey
When the British Heart Foundation needed a hand
with running their Jog in June event in Sheffield's Graves Park, they
knew who to ask.
Although the event clashed with the Trent Wing
Field Day Competition, the squadron was able to help and the cadets
helped with car parking and pointing out the course to the runners.

Cadet Robyn Rowland of 331 (Chesterfield) Squadron
Air Cadets has recently gained 4 gold medals for her achievements at
various Athletics meetings.
Robyn has only been a member of the
Air Cadets for a few months at Chesterfield, but during that short time
has certainly shown her talents on the track. She won her first 2 gold
medals whilst representing the Squadron back in April in the 800m and
400m at Quibel Park in Scunthorpe at the Trent Wing Annual Athletics
Championships. She went on to represent Trent Wing at Leicester in May
competing in the 800m and winning her 3rd Gold medal of the
season. Finally, representing Central and East Region at RAF Cosford
last weekend, she gained a 4th Gold medal in the 800m making
her the fastest runner in her event in the whole of the Air Training
Corps nationwide.
Flying Officer Simon Beal and CI
Damien Botham have successfully completed a course at the Pleasley Vale
Activity Centre to qualify themselves as Archery instructors. The
squadron has owned some archery equipment for a number of years but has
not had anyone qualified to use it. Special nets and targets have now
been purchased to allow the running of an indoor archery range
Air Cadets can learn First Aid to St Johns Ambulance
Young Lifesaver Plus standard. They also practice to take part in
competitions such as at the Trent Wing Field Day.
Thanks to a donation of £100 from local company Sterling
Machining, 331(Chesterfield) Squadron have been able to invest in being able to provide this
kind of training through purchasing their own resussi-anne doll.
Corporal James Bown is one of the latest group of lucky
Air Cadets to visit RAF Akrotiri, the RAF's base in Cyprus. The overseas
camp lasted for 2 weeks and included visits to the different sections
working on the base
On his return, James said "The best section visit was
when we visited 84 Search And Rescue Squadron. They fly the Griffin
helicopter and we were fortunate enough to all get a flight. The pilot
flew with the side doors open and we could almost hang out of the side,
it was an amazing experience"
A small group of Air Cadets from 331 (Chesterfield) Squadron are
celebrating after recently being promoted to the first ‘rung on the NCO
ladder’ to the rank of Corporal.
Following an intensive NCO training and selection weekend held at the
Squadron HQ at Wallis Barracks, which included an interview by the
Commanding Officer and 2 other members of squadron staff, 6 cadets came
away with the knowledge that they had been successful and would be
promoted the following parade night.
The newly promoted Corporals are Vanessa Revis, Laura Humphreys, James
Bown, Amy Wilson, Kate Wilson and Luke Seedhouse.
Congratulations to them all – but now the hard work starts
At their annual Dining-in-Night held at the Community Centre in
Eckington, cadets from Chesterfield Squadron Air Cadets celebrated a
year full of achievements.
The evening involved a formal sit down meal where the staff from the
squadron waited on the cadets, followed by a speech made by Cadet
Warrant Officer Mark Bramley. The guest of honour for the evening was
Flt Lt Mike Myers from the Sheffield branch of the RAF Careers Office.
The evening closed with a disco.
Flt Lt Myers presented awards to the squadron’s highest achievers for
2004 including the Vulcan Trophy for the Best Cadet to Cadet Vanessa
Revis and Best NCO Trophy to Flight Sergeant Heather Smith. The award
for Best New Cadet was presented to Cadet Emma Ford and Sergeant Craig
Naylor was presented with the award for Best Shot. Flight Sergeant Smith
won the trophy for Best Sports Cadet and Cadet Amy Wilson received the
award for Best Academic Results.
The Commanding Officer’s Award is presented each year to a member of the
squadron staff to recognise their outstanding hard work, determination
and achievements during the year. This year, it was presented to Warrant
Officer Geoff Lockwood for his work with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Scheme on the Squadron.
Finally, the cadets would like to give their warmest thanks to Warrant
Officer Lisa Furniss for organising the event, and also to Mr Furniss
and his group of helpers for the excellent meal they enjoyed on the
WINGS APPEAL – By Cpl E Etherington
Cadets recently spent a busy morning in Chesterfield town centre
collecting for the RAF Wings Appeal.
During the morning, they raised a total of £184.50, with CPL Elspeth
Etherington and CDT Amy Wilson raising £59.53.
The money raised helps retired servicemen of the Royal Air Force.
Whilst helping out at a Beating Retreat Ceremony for the Territorial
Army’s 73 Engineer Regiment, Air Cadets from 331 (Chesterfield) Squadron
met the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshall Sir Jock Stirrup. The
squadron’s CO, Flight Lieutenant Simon Donaldson said “It was a complete
surprise that he was there. When I found out, I just hoped that nobody
had spilled anything” Before he left, Air Chief Marshall Stirrup took
time to talk to the cadets, thanking them for their efforts and praising
their turnout.
On a warm, sunny and rather breezy Sunday, a minibus full of staff and
cadets visited Oxton Shooting School to take part in Clay Pigeon
After lessons from the fully qualified instructors at the school, they
were split into 2 groups and allowed to practice fire the weapons. Later
a competition was held and the winner from each of the two groups fired
a couple of ‘deciding’ rounds to find an overall winner. FG OFF Beal and
CPL Grainger were the winners of the group competitions with CPL
Grainger winning overall.
A huge congratulations to 3 very brave cadets and 1 Civilian Instructor
who recently completed their Gold D of E expeditions. This is a major
achievement and hasn’t occurred on the Squadron since AWO Furnis
completed her award 15 years ago. CI Damien Botham, SGT Nic Graham, CPL
Gareth Lockwood, and CPL Paul Bartram all came home safe and well, and
all seemed to have enjoyed themselves, even though it was extremely
tough at times. CPL Bartram seemed in very high spirit afterwards and is
quoted as saying he ‘absolutely thrashed it!’ Yes Paul, we're sure that
you did.
FG OFF Beal, Cadet’s Biggs, Chapman L, Gregory, Cresswell, Hudson, &
Upton ran a stall at a Car Boot sale held on the ‘Doughnut’ island in
Cadets contributed all kinds of unwanted items from home and after a
hugely successful day, they managed to raise a tremendous total of £189.
This money is to help fund the building of a Hovercraft for the
If anyone has any unwanted items at home PLEASE donate them to the
squadron for future Car Boot sales
Cadets spent two days at Easter bag packing in the Food Hall of the
Chesterfield branch of Marks & Spencer and managed to raise over £1,500.
The money raised was donated to the local branch of Shopmobility, the
chosen charity of Marks & Spencer’s Chesterfield Branch. The charity
provides electric scooters on loan to anyone who is having mobility
problems and wants to get out and about in the town centre. It currently
has around 4500 members signed up for its services and the money
collected should be enough to buy two new scooters.
Flying Officer Simon Beal organised the cadet’s participation. He said
“Hopefully these scooters will help a lot of local people in a very
practical way. The cadets can be really proud of their efforts. We’d
also like to thank the staff of Marks & Spencer for the opportunity to
help and for looking after us so well”
The Mayor of Chesterfield recently attended an open day held at the
Squadron’s HQ. Cadets also invited their parents, family and friends.
With the recent unpredictable weather holding off, the programme began
with of a formal parade, during which presentations were made, followed
by the AGM of the Squadron Civilian Committee to which all the guests
were invited to attend. The remainder of the day portrayed the
activities undertaken by the squadron in the form of arena displays,
including Drill, Initiative exercises, First Aid and Field Craft to name
but a few.
The day ended with the cadets competing in a minibus pull.
Also during the day a presentation was made to the management and staff
of the Chesterfield branch of Marks & Spencer, to show the Cadets
appreciation for helping raise funds for the Squadron and a local
Charity – ‘Shopmobility’