13 Mar 2007
[We meet on Mondays and Fridays between 6.45pm and 9.15pm at Wallis Barracks TA Centre on Boythorpe Road just across from the top car park of the Queens Park Sport Centre. If you decide to join, we expect you to come down both nights unless you have exams / holidays etc. If this is not possible, why not think about one of the other local squadrons]
[Just wear your normal clothes - jeans and trainers are fine, though we don't want any T shirts with offensive slogans etc. Just come to the gate of the TA Centre before 6.50pm and someone will be there to let you in. Just tell them that you're thinking of joining the Air Cadets.]
[We charge subs of £5 per month. Your first month is free whilst you see if you like the ATC. This money covers the loan of a uniform (you might have to get your own shoes) plus most of the activities we do. If you go away on a week's camp, you'll probably be charged £40-£50 which covers transport, your food and some visits. The rest of your activities are free.]
[Yes, absolutely. On the first night that you come down, we will give you a form to take home. Your parents/guardians will need to fill it in and return it to give consent for you to join then ATC, to undertake Sports and Adventure Training and to go Flying or Gliding.]
[You will start learning the basics of being an Air Cadet and work towards you First Class Cadet Exam. This will include Drill, The Rifle, Airmanship, Initial Expedition Training, History of the ATC and RAF and communications.]
[After you have attended for about 3 weeks, you will know whether or not you want to carry on with the ATC. If you do, we will issue you with green overalls as an initial uniform. A month later, you should get your blue uniform. You can go Flying once you have been enrolled (6 weeks) and you have covered the Airmanship part of the First Class Cadet syllabus.]